Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rubber Tree: Natural Rubber Production

Rubber Tree:
        Natural Rubber Production
Rubber trees are perennial plants of economic importance that belong to the genus Hevea. Propagation of this tree crop is by seeds or vegetative production with clones, resulting in early development and establishment in plantation of genetically superior genotypes, in productivity, quality of latex, resistance to the pest and diseases among other interesting traits. The rubber is valuable for furniture purposes and making its latex and also it latex in the production of natural rubber.
                                                       Rubber Tree
Hevea  brasiliensis, the Para’ rubber tree often simply called rubber tree, is a tree belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae, and the most economically important member of the genus Hevea. It is of major economic importance because of it sap-like extract (known as latex) is the primary source of natural rubber.

Hevea brasiliensis originated in the Brazilian Amazon basin; the latex of this tree was already   known to ancient Indian tribes in Ecuador and Brazil who harvested the latex from wild trees.
Early explorers, including Columbus noticed the use of rubber by the Indians, but for more than three centuries it was considered a curiosity and more neglected. The French called rubber ‘caoutchouc’, after ‘ca-o-chu’, the name given to the rubber tree by the South American Indians, meaning ‘weeping tree’.
The name ‘rubber’ was given to the latex product by the British. They found out that a text, written with a pencil on paper, could be removed by rubbing it with the latex product and subsequently called it ‘rubber’. In the 18th century, domestication of hevea rubber began and plantations were developed. That was relatively late in history; hevea rubber can be seen as one of our youngest domesticated major crops.
Gradually, the cultivation of hevea rubber in South America was seriously impeded by a fungal disease caused by Microcyclus ulei. Subsequently, the British introduced H. brasiliensis seedlings via Kew Gardens into South-east Asia, where subsequently many plantations were established. Due to technical innovations, the rubber industry began to develop in the 19th century. The invention called ‘masticator’ in 1820 made it possible to soften, mix, and shape natural rubber. In 1839, Hayward and Goodyear discovered that the elastic properties of rubber could be improved considerably by treating the rubber with sulphur and heat, which process is called ‘vulcanization’. After the invention of the combustion engine in the late 19th century, the demand for rubber increase greatly due to the expanding need for tyres for motor vehicles and aircraft, and also for the production of other goods such as bicycle and raincoats.
As well as H. brasiliensis, at least eight other Hevea species occur that yield latex which can be used for producing rubber. However, the yield and quality of the latex of H. brasiliensis are far superior to all other species, which is why about 99% of the world’s natural rubber production is obtained from H. brasiliensis. Since 1979 latex allergy has evolved in Europe and North America, probably due to the use of inferior hevea rubber. For several people it means that touching hevea rubber may cause an allergic reaction or even a severe allergic shock. Therefore a number of rubber products are made from the milky sap obtained from the totally different species Parthenium argentatum (Compositae), an herb grown in Mexico, also called ‘guayule’. The advantage of this crop is also that harvesting can be fully mechanized, contrary to hevea rubber.
As wild Hevea rubber is native to the tropical rainforest of the Amazon basin, the species is adapted to tropical lowland conditions with a hot and humid climate. It thrives best at a well-distributed annual rainfall of 2000-2500 mm or more. A rain gauge (also known as a udometer or a pluviometer or an ombrometer or a cup) is used, a type of instrument used by meteorologists and hydrologists to gather and measure the amount of liquid precipitation over a set period of time. Rain should fall in the late afternoon and during the night, because bark cannot be tapped when the bark is still wet. The plant is sensitive to strong winds. Optimum day temperatures range from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius. Rubber tolerates a wide range of soils but thrives best in deep well-drained, moist, loamy soils, with an adequate moisture storage capacity, and pH 5-6. The plant can stand a short period of water logging, provided that the water is not stagnant.
Hevea rubber is propagated by seed of by budding. Seeds have to be sown fresh because they may lose viability in 10-20 days. This period can be extended to about 5 weeks if seeds are stored in moist charcoal of sawdust in perforated polythene bags. To avoid too much variability between seedling trees and seedling rootstocks, so-called ‘clonals’ are used, which are seeds from clonal rubber plantings. Smallholders, the main producers of rubber, plant mainly seedling trees while commercial plantations use budded rootstocks as planting material. Successful bud-grafting was developed by Van Helten and Maas on Java in 1916 and on Sumatra in 1917, respectively. As a source of bud-wood the highest- yielding mother trees are chosen. Seeds are at first germinated on shaded beds and subsequently transferred to a nursery and planted in the ground.    Bud-grafting takes place when seedlings are 12 to 18 months old. Prior to transplanting to the field, plants are uprooted and both the stem and the taproot are cut back to a length of about 50 cm. The bare root stumps are planted at the beginning of the rainy period in large planting holes with a mixture of surface soil, phosphate and manure. A more recent development is raising nursery seedlings in polythene bags and so-called ‘green budding’ of 4 to 6-month-old rootstocks, which shortens the nursery period but requires greater skill.
 In the field the young trees are pruned to restrict development to one single stem, free from any branches, up to 3 m to ensure enough bark that can be tapped. Plant densities may vary at first, but after thinning, the final number of trees is 250-300/ha, which means spacing about 6-7 m apart. In some countries, wider spacing is used to enable intercropping, for example with coffee or cacao. In new rubber plantations, the natural ground cover is sometimes maintained and controlled by periodic slashing. Weeding is usually only required in a circle around the young tree, until the weed is shaded out. Instead of maintaining the natural cover, leguminous cover crops are particularly advantageous because the fix nitrogen, although inoculating the seed or the soil with the proper Rhizobium bacteria may be required. Due to Nitrogen fixation, no N fertilizer may be needed. However, on some soil types, P, 60 kg K and 20 kg Mg. If no leguminous crop is used, 50 kg M may be given. In general, hevea rubber is less demanding in terms of soil fertility than most other tree crops.
Harvesting begins when the trees are 5-8 years old, while maximum production is reached when the tree is about 15 years old. Commercial latex production is sustained for about 25 years.
Tapping rubber trees is done by hand. The latex is located in the phloem of the inner bark. To harvest the latex, a tapping cut is made an angle of 30 degrees from the horizontal, from high left to low right. Usually only the basal part of the tree (1.5 m) is tapped. Special knives are used to cut to the correct depth. A common practice is to use a half-spiral cut and to tap on alternate days. The bark above the cut is renewed from the cambium and can be retapped after about 10 years. Latex yield can be stimulated by applying ethylene-releasing chemicals on the bark of the tapped tree. This is mainly a labor-saving practice for obtaining reasonably high yields at a lower tapping frequency. The latex is collected in a cup below the incision. When the latex arrives at the factory it is filtered and then either coagulated with formic acid for the production of sheet rubber, crepe rubber of block rubber, or just concentrated by centrifugation.
Hevea rubber is marketed as natural raw rubber. In South-east Asia the average annual estate latex yield is about 1.5 t/ha. On smallholdings yields are about half this amount. In 2004, the total latex production of rubber was about 9 million t. This is about 40% of the total world consumption of rubber. The remaining 60% is synthetic rubber. At present, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia are the major producers of natural rubber, together accounting for about 80% of the world total production, while the production from South and Central America is at present less than 3%.
Development of Natural Rubber Industry
If latex is allowed to evaporate naturally, the film of rubber that forms can be dried and pressed into usable articles such as bottles, shoes, and balls. South American Indians made such objects in early times: rubber balls, for instance, were used in an Aztec ceremonial game (called ollama) long before Christopher Columbus explored South America and the Caribbean. On his second voyage to the New World in 1493–96, Columbus is said to have seen natives in present-day Haiti play a game with balls made from the gum of a tree. In 1615 a Spaniard related how the Indians, having gathered the milk from incisions made in various trees, brushed it onto their cloaks and also obtained crude footwear and bottles by coating earthen molds and allowing them to dry.
The first serious accounts of rubber production and the primitive Native American system of manufacture were given in the 18th century by Charles-Marie de La Condamine, a member of a French geographic expedition sent to South America in 1735. La Condamine described “caoutchouc” (the French spelling of a native term for “weeping wood”) as the condensed juice of the Hevea tree, and in 1736 he sent rubber samples to Europe. Initially the new material was merely a scientific curiosity. Some years later the British scientist Joseph Priestley remarked on its usefulness for rubbing pencil marks from paper, and so the popular term rubber was coined. Other applications gradually developed, notably for waterproofing shoes and clothing.
Important progress toward a true rubber industry came at the beginning of the 19th century from the separate experiments of a Scottish chemist, Charles Macintosh, and an English inventor, Thomas Hancock. Macintosh’s contribution was the rediscovery, in 1823, of coal-tar naphtha as a cheap and effective solvent. He placed a solution of rubber and naphtha between two fabrics and in so doing avoided the sticky surfaces that had been common in earlier single-texture garments treated with rubber. Manufacture of these double-textured waterproof cloaks, henceforth known as “mackintoshes,” began soon afterward.
The work of Hancock, who became Macintosh’s colleague and partner, is of even greater importance. He first attempted to dissolve the rubber in turpentine, but his hand-coated fabrics were unsatisfactory in surface texture and smell. He then turned to the production of elastic thread. Strips of rubber were cut from the imported lumps and applied in their crude state to clothing and footwear. In 1820, in an effort to find a use for his waste cuttings, Hancock invented a masticator. Constructed of a hollow wooden cylinder equipped with teeth in which a hand-driven spiked roller was turned, this tiny machine, originally taking a charge of two ounces of rubber, exceeded Hancock’s greatest hopes. Instead of tearing the rubber to shreds, it produced enough friction to weld the scraps of rubber into a coherent mass that could be applied in further manufacture.
Macintosh’s and Hancock’s efforts resolved the initial problem of handling the raw material, but there remained one principal obstacle to the full exploitation of natural rubber: it softened with heat and hardened with cold (particularly annoying in North America, where the climate was more extreme than in Britain). It also was tacky, odorous, and perishable. These fundamental weaknesses were removed by the invention of vulcanization in 1839 by Charles Goodyear. Developing a compound of rubber, white lead, and sulfur and a heat treatment (or curing) process, Goodyear created a product—at first called fireproof gum, afterward vulcanized rubber—that exhibited impressive durability.
Vulcanization made the modern rubber industry possible by permitting use of the substance in machinery and in tires for bicycles and, later, for automobiles. Though subsequent discoveries have refined Goodyear’s original techniques, the vulcanization process remains fundamentally the same as it was in his day. With the advent of the bicycle and, somewhat later, the automobile and the invention of the solid and later the pneumatic rubber tire, demand for rubber grew rapidly. By 1900 more than 40,000 tons were used each year, about one-half from Brazil and one-half from Central Africa, where rubber was obtained principally from Landolphia vines. However, as an important industrial material, rubber was required in larger amounts than could easily be obtained from wild and widely dispersed trees in the Brazilian jungle or from African vines that produced only about one kilogram per hectare and were destroyed to obtain the rubber. With a view to cultivating rubber trees elsewhere, in 1876 seeds of the Hevea brasiliensis tree from the upper Orinoco basin were taken from Brazil to England at the instigation of the British India Office. Seedlings were raised at Kew Gardens and shipped to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Singapore. These trees were the origin of the rubber plantation industry in Asia, which now produces more than 90 percent of the world’s supply. The industry developed largely as a result of the work of Henry N. Ridley, director of the Singapore Botanic Gardens from 1888 until 1912. Ridley introduced horticultural and tapping methods that are still used today. Total world natural rubber production is now approximately 6.5 million reached 3 million metric tons per year , of which some 70 percent is used in automobile and truck tiresin the early 1970s, surpassed 4 million metric tons per year in the early 1980s, and reached 10 million metric tons per year in 2008. The principal rubber-producing countries are Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, each producing more than one million tons per year. Smaller amounts are produced in followed by the Asian producers China, India, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka, and the West African states of Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, and Liberia.
The first decade of the 20th century saw the establishment of the motorcar in Europe and North America, and the automotive industry remained entirely dependent on natural rubber for its tires and other components until World War II. After Japan entered the war in 1941, Asian sources, except for Sri Lanka, were cut off from the Allies. In response, the United States and the Soviet Union attempted to cultivate alternative sources of natural rubber, such as the guayule shrub and the Russian dandelion. These attempts met with little success, but far better results were obtained from synthetic rubber. The United States in particular developed a synthetic rubber industry almost overnight, achieving a production of 800,000 tons per year. At the war’s end, with natural rubber again available, the U.S. synthetic rubber industry went into a sharp decline, but by the early 1950s superior and more uniform synthetics had become available. The export of these materials stimulated development of a synthetic rubber industry in Europe. In the early 1960s production of natural rubber was surpassed by that of synthetic elastomers, which now represent some 60 percent of the total.
The first use of rubber was by the Olmecs, who centuries later passed on the knowledge of natural latex from the Hevea tree in 1600 BC to the ancient Aztecs and Mayas.
For the Aztecs and Mayas, rubber was religiously and socially and important material. They also produced bouncing rubber balls for a ball game called ‘tlachtli’. Indian tribes also tapped rubber from other plant species.
Other significant uses of rubber are door and window profiles, hoses, belts, matting, flooring and dampeners (ant vibrations) for the automotive industry in what is known as the “under the bonnet” product. Gloves (medical, household and industrial) and toy balloons are also large consumer of rubber.
Additionally, rubber produced as a fiber sometimes called elastic, has a significant value for use in the industry because of its excellent elongation and recovery properties.
Rubber processing consists of four basic steps: (1) mastication, when the elastomer is sheared and the molecules are broken down to give easier flow, (2) mixing, usually carried out immediately after mastication, when additives are incorporated, (3) shaping of the viscous mass, for example, by extrusion or molding, and (4) curing, when the polymer molecules become interlinked and the shape is fixed.
Mastication and softening are usually carried out in batches. The operation is done either in large enclosed mixing machines or on rubber mills. The preeminent example of an enclosed machine is the Banbury (registered trademark) mixer, consisting of heavy steel counter rotating paddles in an hourglass-shaped chamber, holding up to one-half ton of rubber. Rubber mills have two large horizontally opposed, closely spaced steel cylinders, up to 3 meters (10 feet) long, that are rotated slowly in opposite directions and at somewhat different speeds. Rubber is sheared and softened in the gap between the paddles and wall of the Banbury mixer and in the gap between the two cylinders in the roll mill.
Mixing is carried out on machines similar to those used in mastication, sometimes immediately after softening. Reactive materials, fillers, oils, and protective chemicals of various kinds, as described above, are incorporated into the base elastomer by a combined shearing and mixing action. An enclosed Banbury-type mixer can produce up to one-half ton of mixed compound in a few minutes. The compound is then sheeted out, coated with a release soap to prevent sticking, and stored until use on steel pallets that can hold up to one ton of rubber.
Shaping of the mixture into the desired form takes place in several ways. Extruders are used to produce long continuous products such as tubing, tire treads, and wire coverings. They are also used to produce various profiles that can later be cut to length. Multiroll calenders are used to make wide sheeting. In transfer and injection molds, the rubber mix is forced through channels into a mold chamber of the required shape, where it is cured under pressure. Tires are made of several components: bead wire, sidewall compound, inner liner, cord plies, belt package, and tread; these are brought together and assembled as a complete tire before being transferred to the curing press.
Curing is carried out in pressurized steel molds, which are heated by steam or electricity to temperatures at which the interlinking reaction takes place. Typical cure conditions are several minutes at a temperature of 160 °C (320 °F). Because heat penetrates rubber slowly, thick articles must be allowed longer curing times, up to several hours, at lower temperatures. Pressures of 1 megapascal (145 pounds per square inch) or more are normally imposed in order to maintain the desired shape and to force trapped air to dissolve in the compound. Other methods of curing the rubber mix after it has been shaped include steam heating in autoclaves, microwave irradiation, and passage through a heated bath of molten metal salts or a fluidized bed. In these cases curing is carried out at near-atmospheric pressure.
A number of ingredients are added to both natural and synthetic rubber in order to obtain certain desirable properties. By convention, mix formulations begin with the amount of the designated elastomer—for instance, natural rubber (NR), butadiene rubber (BR), or styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR)—given as 100 parts by weight. The amount of each other ingredient is then expressed in parts by weight added per 100 parts by weight of the elastomer. If two or more elastomers are used, then they are shown in the recipe as fractions of 100 parts—for example, “NR, 60 parts; BR, 40 parts.” When the elastomer contains oil already added by the producer, allowance is made for this dilution in the recipe. For example, if SBR 1702 is used, the mix formulation may begin “SBR 1702, 137.5 parts by weight,” because that amount of SBR 1702 contains 37.5 parts by weight of oil and 100 parts by weight of SBR elastomer.
The most important ingredients are those, known as the cure package that causes interlinking reactions to take place when the mix is “cured.” In order to minimize the risk of premature cure, they are usually added at the end of mixing. The cure package usually consists of sulfur and one or more “accelerators” (e.g., sulfenamides, thiurams, or thiazoles), which make the sulfur interlinking reaction occur faster and more efficiently. When the ratio of sulfur to accelerator is less than one, the recipe is known as an “efficient vulcanization” (EV) system and gives products with sulfur interlinks of shorter length. EV products have improved resilience but lower strength.
Two other ingredients that play an important role in vulcanization chemistry are known as “activators,” commonly zinc oxide and stearic acid. These compounds react together and with accelerators to form zinc sulfurating compound, which in turn is the key intermediary in adding sulfur to a diene elastomer and creating sulfur interlinks.
Other less widely used interlinking reagents are sulfur compounds known as sulfur donors—e.g., tetramethylthiuram disulfide—which introduces monosulfide interlinks between polymer molecules, and peroxides, notably dicumyl peroxide. Peroxides decompose on heating to form radicals, which abstract hydrogen from groups on the polymer molecules. Carbon radicals formed in this way on different molecules then combine to create carbon-carbon interlinks. Although products with C−C interlinks are more resistant to heat and oxidative attack, their strength is lower than products with sulfur interlinks. In addition, monosulfide links give weaker products than polysulfide links. This paradoxical result—that inherently strong C−C interlinks give the weakest products, whereas inherently weak polysulfide links give the strongest products—is attributed to the fact that weak interlinks will break under stress before the main chain does, so failure of the elastomer molecule itself is delayed.
Almost every conceivable material has been added to rubber in attempts to cheapen and stiffen it. Two particulate fillers are outstanding because they also strengthen elastomers to a remarkable degree. The most important, used almost universally, is finely divided carbon black, prepared by incomplete combustion of oil or gas. Carbon black consists of small spherical particles having diameters of only 10–100 nanometers (10–100 billionths of a meter) and made up of concentric graphitic layers of carbon. The surface of the particles also contains some oxygen and hydrogen. During manufacture, chains of particles become fused together to create extended open “structures,” still very small in size.
Another reinforcing filler with particles of similar shape and size is finely divided silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2), prepared either by burning silicon tetrachloride or by acid precipitation from a sodium silicate solution.
Both carbon black and silica, when added to a mix compound at a concentration of about 30 percent by volume, raise the elastic modulus of the rubber by a factor of two to three. They also confer remarkable toughness, especially resistance to abrasion, on otherwise weak materials such as SBR. If greater amounts are added, the modulus will be increased still further, but the strength will then begin to fall. Disadvantages of reinforcement with carbon black or silica are lower springiness (resilience) and a decrease in the initial high stiffness after flexing.
For a filler to be reinforcing, it appears that the fundamental particles must be small—for instance, 10–50 nanometres in diameter—and that the elastomer must adhere well to them. If either of these conditions is absent, the reinforcing power will be lessened. Indeed, the smaller the particle size (and hence the greater the surface area), the greater the observed reinforcing effect. It is still not understood how fine particles are able to confer high strength and toughness on elastomer compounds. Strengthening and toughening are possibly associated with debonding of highly stressed elastomer molecules from the filler particles, reducing the stress on the polymer chains and delaying catastrophic fracture.
Certain additives confer resistance to heat, sunlight, oxygen, and ozone. Amines, particularly paraphenylene diamines, are powerful retarders of oxidation, or antioxidants. Added to rubber compounds in small amounts (1–2 percent), they appear to disrupt the free-radical oxidation reactions that lead either to molecular rupture and softening or to increased interlinking and hardening as rubber ages. Hindered phenols, another antioxidant class, are less powerful than amines but have fewer tendencies to stain light-colored rubber compounds. Small amounts of certain metals, notably copper, manganese, and iron, act as powerful catalysts of oxidation; sequestering agents are therefore used to block the action of these elements if their presence is unavoidable.
Atmospheric ozone reacts readily with elastomers containing C=C double bonds, leading to breakage of molecules lying in the surface. As a result, small, deep fissures, termed ozone cracks, are formed if the rubber is stretched slightly (by more than about 10 percent). Cracks one millimeter long appear in unprotected rubber after only a few weeks of exposure to a typical outdoor concentration of ozone, about 5 parts per 100 million. However, certain demines (e.g., alkyl-aryl paraphenylene diamines) prevent cracking, probably by competing with the C=C bonds in rubber for reaction with ozone. These antiozonants “bloom” to the surface and react there, protecting the rubber. A few percent of an antiozonant is therefore commonly included in the mix formulation of rubber compounds based on unsaturated elastomers. An alternative method of protection, often employed simultaneously, is to include a few percent of a microcrystalline paraffin wax in the mix formulation. Because it is incompatible with the elastomer, the wax blooms to the surface and forms a protective skin. Liquids are added to elastomer mixes in order to soften and plasticize the compound, either in processing or later in use. For example, elastomers with high glass transition temperatures (and correspondingly slow molecular motions) can be improved by adding low-temperature plasticizers—i.e., compatible liquids that act as internal lubricants. Plasticizers must have low vapor pressure and a high boiling point in order to be retained within the compound over long periods of service. Examples are aliphatic esters and phthalates. Phosphate plasticizers also confer a measure of flame resistance. Other liquids are added to rubber compounds as processing aids in order to make mixing and extrusion easier. Typically, 5 percent of petroleum oil is used.
Rubber exhibits unique physical and chemical properties. Rubber's stress-strain behavior exhibits the Mullins effect, the Payne effect, and is often modeled as hyperelastic.
The Mullins effect is a particular aspect of the mechanical response in filled rubbers in which the stress-strain curve depends on the maximum loading previously encountered. The phenomenon, named for rubber scientist Leonard Mullins, working at the NRPRA in Hertford, can be idealized for many purposes as an instantaneous and irreversible softening of the stress-strain curve that occurs whenever the load increases beyond its prior all-time maximum value. At times, when the load is less than a prior maximum, nonlinear elastic behavior prevails.
Although the term "Mullins effect" is commonly applied to stress softening in filled rubbers, the phenomenon is common to all rubbers, including "gums" (rubber lacking filler). As first shown by Mullins and coworkers, the retraction stresses of an elastomer are independent of carbon black when the stress at the maximum strain is constant. Mullins softening is a viscoelastic effect, although in filled rubber there can be additional contributions to the mechanical hysteresis from filler particles debonding from each other or from the polymer chains.
A number of constitutive models have been proposed to describe the effect. For example, the Ogden-Roxburgh model is used in at least one commercial finite element code.
The Payne effect is a particular feature of the stress-strain behavior of rubber, especially rubber compounds containing fillers such as carbon black. It is named after the British rubber scientist A. R. Payne, who made extensive studies of the effect (e.g. Payne 1962). The effect is sometimes also known as the Fletcher-Gent effect, after the authors of the first study of the phenomenon (Fletcher & Gent 1953).
The effect is observed under cyclic loading conditions with small strain amplitudes, and is manifest as a dependence of the viscoelastic storage modulus on the amplitude of the applied strain. Above approximately 0.1% strain amplitude, the storage modulus decreases rapidly with increasing amplitude. At sufficiently large strain amplitudes (roughly 20%), the storage modulus approaches a lower bound. In that region where the storage modulus decreases the loss modulus shows a maximum. The Payne effect depends on the filler content of the material and vanishes for unfilled elastomers.
Physically, the Payne effect can be attributed to deformation-induced changes in the material's microstructure, i.e. to breakage and recovery of weak physical bonds linking adjacent filler clusters. Since the Payne effect is essential for the frequency and amplitude-dependent dynamic stiffness and damping behavior of rubber bushings, automotive tires and other products, constitutive models to represent it have been developed in the past. Similar to the Payne effect under small deformations is the Mullins effect that is observed under large deformations.

Its ecological benefits provide a green leguminous ground cover and green umbrella above the soil. Rubber tree has almost all the attributes of a forest species which purifies the atmosphere through carbon sequestration and it improve soil properties through addition of organic matter keeps the soil cool, enriches fertility porosity and water intake capacity.
In north-east India, rubber planting promotes gainful self-employment and sustainable livelihood for the youth. It generates direct employment around 1000 man-days per hectare during immature phase of the tree and there permanent jobs for seven persons per ten hectares in mature phase of the tree. Indirect employment also occurs in the nursery, production and distribution of plantation inputs, intercropping, processors, rubber wood cutting, sales, processing and furniture making.
In conclusion, the rubber tree is a plant of economical value, with properties that make it ecologically friendly. For this reason, it plays an important part in numerous programs aimed at sustainable agriculture systems. The tree has a capacity for sequestrating atmospheric carbon and hence, could be now explored for this function. Another positive factor is fixation of rural areas. Rubber trees put a high demand on hand labor during the different phases of development of the crop. This guarantees more job opportunities, improvement of living standards of communities, through amassed incomes from agricultural.

Natural Rubber Production. query                                                                         
             =Natural+rubber +production
Elzebroek, Ton and Koop Wind. Guide to Cultivated Plants. CAB International,   
            2008. 132-137
Mullins, Leonard. Mullins Effect <>


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